Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fine Artist ~ Alexia Sinclair

 Charles II - The Merrie Monarch (1630 - 1685)

 Marquis de Sade - The Sadist (1740 - 1814)

 Napoleon Bonaparte - Emperor of the French (1769 - 1821)

Peter Romanov The Great (1672 - 1725)

Alexander the Great - Son of Zeus (356 - 323 bc)

All images copyright Alexia Sinclair

Aren't these artworks exquisite? I recently had the pleasure of working with the artist of the above images, Alexia Sinclair. Alexia is an award winning Australian Fine Art photographer and digital artist. Not only is Alexia (obviously) extremely talented, but she is also one of the nicest and most down-to-earth people I've ever met. 

The images you see above are just a selection of my favourites from Alexia's most recent exhibition entitled "The Royal Dozen."  A portrait series of 12 noble men throughout history. I highly recommend checking out the full 12 as well as her previous series "The Regal Twelve" which is 12 powerful female European Monarchs, my favourite being Queen Elizabeth I. I have actually already posted about this series here.

If you didn't catch the Qantas Frequent Flyer advertisement that I recently did with the beautiful Alexia Sinclair, you can see it below. I was unbelievably excited to work with Alexia as I have long been a fan of her work! She really made me feel at ease during the shoot and I had the best time allowing her to shoot a side of me I've probably never shown behind a still camera before!

Image Copyright Alexia Sinclair 

I was very excited to find that I got a double page spread in the December & January issues of the Qantas Magazine!! 

Have a most wondrous weekend lovelies!

~ Clare x 


  1. The pictures are stunning! I'm loving the last one! Enjoy the gorgeous weekend, Kellie xx

  2. Oh wow, these are so whimsical and other-worldly. They remind me of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

  3. they are really whimsical. lovely greetings


Thanks for sharing on Soulful Mama ~ Clare x