Saturday, June 24, 2017

Interview: Susan Martinez from Kinesiology Affect

Our next soulpreneur interview is with the lovely Susan Martinez of Kinesiology Affect. Susan is a professional Kinesiologist and qualified herbalist. She uses the combination of kinesiology and herbal medicine to help people on so many different levels; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It's that beautiful meeting of western medicine and natural therapies working together. 

I've been fascinated by kinesiology for some time now and have even considered studying it myself. So today's interview with Susan is an exciting one for me! 

If you missed the last soulpreneur interview with Grace from Feng Shui Serenity, you can catch it here.  

When was Kinesiology Affect born and how did it come about?

I think Kinesiology Affect was a long time in the making but it was my daughter who led me to see my first kinesiologist that 'sparked the flame'.   I had a very traumatic labour with her and she sustained significant bruising to her cranial bones.  I took her to a chiropractor who used Applied Kinesiology techniques.  To be honest, I was skeptical at first, but my daughter really responded well to the sessions and then when the practitioner worked on me, I had one of those ‘wow’ moments.  
Fast forward two and a bit years and I was ready to enrol into a Cert IV in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP).  A couple of months into the course I discovered I was pregnant with my second child. I was really inspired and committed to learning kinesiology so I kept at it, doing my final exam 6 weeks after he was born! (I was either super driven or just plain sleep deprived and hormonal and not thinking properly!). It was during my maternity leave with him, in 2010, that Kinesiology Affect was officially started. Interestingly, the name for the business came to me as I was walking through the park one day. I feel it was one of those moments where I either had spirit speaking to me or my higher self came through clearly and gave me a message re: the biz name. In the same year that Kinesiology Affect became official, I also decided to move onto the Diploma of Professional Kinesiology Practice.

What did your career path look like before Kinesiology Affect?

Before Kinesiology Affect came into being, I had worked in many different sectors in various roles. I actually started my career as an accountant doing an internship with one of the big chartered accountancy firms. I think my soul died a little bit inside everyday I went into that office. After graduating from uni I thought I’d try an accounting role in a more exciting company and worked in the music industry for a few years. But, it turns out accounting is accounting and it wasn’t for me so I headed overseas to do some backpacking.  
On my return from Europe I got a position with the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games in communications and community relations. I have to say this was a career highlight – it was an exciting place to work, and I made some long lasting friendships. It also holds a special place in my heart because (a) this is where I met my husband and (b) this organisation taught me how wonderful life is when you work on something you really believe in and are passionate about.  
Post Games I felt lost and depressed, but I had a ‘light bulb’ moment where I realised I have to work in a job where I feel I’m making a difference in the world. So, I began my Advanced Diploma in Western Herbal Medicine. I did this part-time and just as I finished I fell pregnant with my daughter. Rather than see this as a lost opportunity to begin clinic, I now see this as the pivotal moment because she led me to the power of kinesiology.  

Can you tell us a bit more about how kinesiology works and what we could expect from and after a session? 

Kinesiology is a holistic therapy which looks for energetic blocks in the body. A session starts with me helping you set a goal for your session, something which outlines what you want to achieve or gain. So, for example, a goal might be "I sleep peacefully and deeply throughout the whole night and wake refreshed" or "I am calm and centred everyday”. As part of the balancing process your body will show up whether there are emotional, physical, mental, or nutritional issues which are stopping you reach your goal. Kinesiology uncovers these blocks through muscle testing. Muscle testing is a process that helps me bypass your conscious mind and tap into your subconscious.
A kinesiology balance involves the client throughout the process. There is a lot of chatting during a session because not only am I muscle testing to find your blocks, I also find what the underlying emotion is around that block. And honestly, this is where the real ‘healing’ occurs, the unpacking of the emotions is really powerful.  People are quite surprised by what comes up.
There are no quick fixes or magic pills when it comes to health and wellbeing so most people need around 3 sessions, per issue they want to work on.

After a session, most people feel relaxed. In the days that follow your body goes through a process of reorganising its energy system and integrating the healing.  Some common symptons could be: feeling dizzy, light-headed or spacey, alternating energy highs and lows, sleepiness, vivid dreams, emotional highs and lows, increased energy and vitality, or a sense of peace. A lot of people say they have a deeper more restful sleep and feel relaxed and happier about their life. If someone is working on a physical issue, they might have better mobility, or posture.

Why are you so passionate about helping people improve their health on a holistic level?

I know this might sound cheesy, but I love helping people transform their lives into a version that they are happier with or one where they feel healthier. I guess I just love knowing that what I do does matter, that it does make a difference in the world, even if it's one person at a time. Watching people overcome their issues is so inspiring. As someone who has suffered from anxiety, depression, gut and thyroid issues over the years, I know first hand how wonderful it feels to find a practitioner who is committed to helping you improve your physical and emotional health, and I want to be that person for others.

What is the biggest challenge you've faced along the way in building your business?

My biggest challenge was juggling my family life with the business. Without a doubt this was tough, often times it seemed impossible, even a crazy thing. I didn't have a lot of support with the home or family so it meant that often I would have to put the business aside to focus on my family.  

The other big challenge was dealing with lack of confidence. When you first start out, you have all this informatiion and skills but fear can really block you from practising with grace and ease.

What is your proudest career achievement?

Gosh, this is a hard question. In some ways I think my best is yet to come. But, I'm super proud of the fact I completed my Diploma while taking care of a toddler and baby. I'm super proud of the fact I got my business up and going, despite lack of sleep, time and support. I’ve also had a couple of articles published in an alternative magazine and as someone who was told by their English teacher they were rubbish, I got a lot of satisfaction out of seeing my articles in print!

Favourite thing about living in Sydney, Australia?

The beaches! Proximity to some great national parks and state forests. As a self-confessed coffee snob - I love all the great cafes around. Being close to friends and family.  And (sometimes) the weather.

Who inspires you?

Lots of people, for different reasons.  But to name a few:

Belinda Davidson (for spiritual and life purpose inspiration)
Rebecca Campbell (for spiritual and creativity inspiration)
Theresa Reed aka The Tarot Lady (for business inspiration - she's one savvy biz woman and a good writer too)

And there are many people who I follow on Instagram who I think are really amazing in what they are achieving or in the work they do - too many to mention!

What are you reading right now?

The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
Light is the new black, Rebecca Campbell

And random fantasy books from the library - if it's fantasy, I'll grab it and read it so I can escape my reality into another world for a few hours.

Visit Susan's website, Kinesiology Affect to learn more about her and her amazing kinesiology business. Thank you for sharing your time, energy, and so much juicy kinesiology info with us Susan xx

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

In My Bag - natural alternatives

Thought I'd grab a quick snap of what's in my bag to show how simple it is to out the crap in the everyday items we sling around with us in our handbags...

Squeakie - 100% natural hand sanitiser

doTERRA Whisper - essential oil blend for women
I use this as a perfume. Smells divine. Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Vanilla Bean, Jasmine, Cinnamon,  Labdanum, Vetiver, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Cocoa Bean, Rose and Coconut oil.

doTERRA keychain - 8 vials for your most used essential oils on hand every day
I fill mine with Digest Zen blend for tummy upsets, Ice Blue blend for muscle aches or a sore neck, Lavender and Tea Tree for minor bites, stings, cuts, scrapes and burns, On Guard blend for immune support, Balance blend for when I need a little grounding, Frankincense for just about eeeeverything (my favourite oil), Lavender Peace blend for serious calming.

doTERRA Tropical lip balm
A moisturising mix of coconut, moringa seed, and avocado oils, with bees wax and some essential oils such as Wild Orange, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Clementine, and Lime.

Jane Iredale - PlayOn Lip Crayon in Saucy
Most of my makeup is Jane Iredale's mineral makeup

Jane Iredale - Just Kissed Lip and Cheek Stain in Forever Peach
An all natural stain that adjusts to your own chemistry to flatter your skin's undertone

doTERRA Clary Calm - monthly essential oil blend for women
Soothing for that time of the month. If I get any cramping I roll this straight on my lower abdomen. Sometimes my lower back too. 

doTERRA Peppermint Beadlets
For fresh breath and also to alleviate the occasional tummy discomfort. These teeny tiny beadlets contain peppermint oil inside a vegetarian beadlet. Bye bye nasty chewing gum!

If you're interested in finding out more about Essential Oils, especially Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils, send me a message and I'd be more than happy to answer your questions, let you know the latest promos and deals, or get you set up with these gorgeous oils in your home right away xx

I post lots more on my Facebook page