Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Emotions & Essential Oils

Thought essential oils were just pretty smells? Or maybe you know how great they are for lowering your household toxic load. Natural solutions for basic first aid, cleaning, and beauty. Did you know how powerful they are at supporting us in shifting our emotions? For me when I first got my oils, I wasn't so sure about that side. I hadn't read up on the science of it all yet. However, once I witnessed their powerful effects on my own emotions and mood as well as my three year old's, I was hooked! 

The Basic Science

When we inhale an essential oil, the scent is processed through the brain's olfactory system, which is our sensory system that controls our sense of smell. 

The olfactory system is connected to limbic system, which is the area of our brain where our memories and emotions are stored.

Our limbic system then produces a response to the essential oil based on our memories associated with that particular smell, flooding our body with a rush of feelings. 

In this way, essential oils can produce responses that can be used to enhance our wellbeing and emotions. High vibe livin' my Soulful Ones!

Calming & Uplifting

In general, most essential oils can be classified as either calming oils or uplifting oils. 

In the calming category we have your florals which are typically composed of monoterpene alcohols, known for their calming properties. In the calming category we also have tree, grass and herb oils, which are typically composed of sesquiterpenes, esters, and oxides, providing feelings of deep grounding and soothing anxious emotions.

In the uplifting category we have mint essential oils, which contain high concentrations of ketones. Very energising and uplifting. The citrus oils, containing limonene, beta-pinene, and monoterpenes, are extremely uplifting and energising. Spicy essential oils can also be very warming and uplifting due to their phenols. 

Emotional Aromatherapy Blends

I use a range of oils for calming and energising, for focus and concentration, for inspiration and creativity, for comfort. However, I have to point out doTERRA's Emotional Aromatherapy oils and also their Mood Management oils. Takes the guess work out of it all! Grab a blend, ready to go for whatever you personally need right there and then. These oil blends have been purposely designed to achieve a unique chemical profile. These oils blend specific plant categories (florals, trees, herbs, grasses, mints, citruses, and spices for example) to elicit certain emotional responses. 

Here's a breakdown of these oils and what I love them for:

- Cheer:

I couldn't think of a better name for this oil. Serious happy in a bottle! When I'm feeling really down and I know that if I could meditate and get really present I'd feel better but just can't bring myself to do those things.... Cheer. I roll this baby on my pulse points and in the palms of my hands, rub them together and inhale. This oil shifts me into a sage where I can do those things that I know will help me every time.

Contains wild orange, clove, star anise, lemon myrtle, nutmeg, vanilla, ginger, cinnamon, and zdravetz. 

- Motivate:

When I get to work in the morning I immediately roll Motivate on my pulse points and the back of my neck. The fresh citrus, minty scent gives me an instant pep in my step and everyone comments on it constantly. I use it again after lunch if I feel my concentration lacking. 

A blend of peppermint, clementine, coriander, basil, yuzu, melissa, rosemary leaf, and vanilla bean.

- Peace:

The name says it all. If I'm feeling anxious, panicked, overwhelmed, or like I'm all up in my head, Peace reassuring blend brings me back down every time. So calming. Gorgeous for sleep too. I often roll this on my 3 year old's spine and feet (if I can catch him) when he's feeling huge emotions too.

This blend is a calming melody of vetiver, lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, marjoram, clary sage, labdanum, spearmint. 

- Passion:

This inspiring blend is so sexy and spicy. I looove this as my purefume of an evening. But it's also my go to when I need inspiration and a real sense of passion for whatever I'm working on. Procrastination be gone!

The gorgeous spicy blends in Passion are cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, clove, sandalwood, jasmine, vanilla, damiana, and some fractionated coconut oil. 

- Console:

Pure comfort in a bottle. Beautiful for support during times of grief. If I'm feeling distressed for any reason, I love diffusing this blend or wearing over my heart and on my pulse points. I particularly love this for my 3 year old. Actually when he was younger I would put this on him before daycare because he had days where he'd just scream when I dropped him off. Then I'd leave and sniff it myself.

Console's a big warm hug in a bottle with oils like frankincense, patchouli, ylang ylang, labdanum, amyris, sandalwood, rose, and osmanthus.

- Forgive:

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have moments where we simply need to forgive. Both others and ourselves. I know I want to live a high vibe life, but how can I do that if I'm holding onto feelings like anger, betrayal, guilt, and negativity? They're just like big, giant energetic blocks, stopping me from living the life I want. Enter Forgive renewing blend. Forgive, let go, and move on. I'll just take the cap off and whiff when I need it or wear it over my heart and on my pulse points. 

This renewing blend contains spruce, bergamot, juniper berry, myrrh, arborvitae, nootka tree, thyme, citronella.

How to choose a blend:
(click for larger image)

Mood Management Blends

There are 4 blends in the Mood Management collection and I use 3 of these constantly! These are my little faves. 

- Lavender Peace:

Also known as Serenity in the US & Canada. We have this restful blend in the diffuser every single night. It works better than straight lavender for my 3 year old wildling. I also make up a roller bottle of this blend with a little extra vetiver and cedarwood for calming my little guy's big emotions and meltdowns. I roll it on his spine and massage it into his feet (if I can!) This blend is also gorgeous diluted in the bath. 

This soothing, restful blend is a mix of lavender, cedarwood, ho wood, ylang ylang, marjoram, Roman chamomile, vetiver, vanilla bean, and Hawaiian sandalwood. 

- Balance:

doTERRA's grounding blend is my mama go-to for keeping me present and centred in my physical body. I swipe it on my feet before yoga for grounding, I swipe it on my feet for hormone balancing, I diffuse it during the day with frankincense to calm the farm at home ;-) or I diffuse it with citrus bliss for grounding yet uplifting our mood. I often aromatically dress my body with balance and frankincense if I know I have a big day ahead of me by mixing with coconut oil.

Balance transports me to a forest with oils like spruce, ho wood, frankincense, blue tansy, blue chamomile, and osmanthus, with fractionated coconut oil. 

- Citrus Bliss:

Energising uplifting, invigorating, and helps me invoke a sense of creativity and abundance. If I need a little mood boost, I diffuse this. I often diffuse it with Balance blend to keep the vibes at home balanced and grounded, yet cheery and vibrant. Especially if Master 3 is on the grumpy side, this seems to cheer his spirits. This blend receives so many comments when I diffuse or wear it. It's my oil of choice almost every time I teach an oils class.

The invigorating oils blended into Citrus Bliss are wild orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, bergamot, tangerine, clementine, and vanilla bean. It's just... yum!

- Elevation:

doTERRA's joyful blend smells soft and buttery to me, even though it contains citruses. When I'm in serious need of mood elevation, this is what I pick. I also love it for meditation as it contains oils that are gorgeous for supporting the higher chakras. Elevation softly energises, instils confidence, and a positive mindset. Drives away those lower, negative vibes. 

Which blend are you most drawn to the sound of?

To find out how to get started with essential oils, simply click here.

Alternatively, email me for help or to ask any questions.

Clare xx

Monday, July 16, 2018

10 Benefits of Diffusing Essential Oils

One of my favourite ways to use essential oils in our home is by diffusing them. Did you know that our sense of smell is one of our most powerful senses? Our bodies contain over 1000 receptors for smell which is more than the amount of receptors for any of our other senses. By diffusing essential oils into the air, we breathe them in and can then experience powerful shifts in our mood and emotions, not mention purifying our air and other uses which I'll delve into below.

Best Way to Diffuse?

As beautiful as some oil burners can be, and yes, they deliver pretty smells, the heat actually alters the chemistry of the essential oil so you may not really be getting the benefits. Utlrasonic diffusers are excellent because they use cold water to disperse the essential oils into the air. Another good option is nebulising (cold air) diffusion.

Benefits of Diffusing

1. Sleep

We use oils every night for sleep. To wind down and then to have a deep sleep, because honestly, some nights I actually feel like that "Go the Fuck to Sleep" book was written specifically for me ;-) Oils like lavender, vetiver, cedarwood, frankincense, roman chamomile, are all beautifully calming. As we sleep and breathe in the aromatic compounds, they enter our limbic system, and aid in the release of seratonin and dopamine. 

2. Purifies the Air

There are many essential oils with antibacterial, antiviral properties. I love to diffuse these kinda oils after a spring clean, when any of us are sick, or really just in winter when the house has been closed up too much. Don't want anything funky in our air. These would be oils like tea tree, oregano, lemon, "on guard" protective blend, purify blend, clove, rosemary, cinnamon, eucalyptus.

3. Elevates Mood

I've personally witnessed powerful shifts in mood and emotion for me through diffusing oils in my home. When we smell the oils, they are processed through the brain's olfactory system (controls our sense of smell) which is connected to our limbic system (the area of our brain where our memories and emotions are stored). The limbic system then produces a distinct response to the aroma based on memories that are associated with a particular smell. This then leads to a rush of feelings. In this way essential oils can produce responses that can be used to enhance our wellbeing and manage our emotions. The citrus oils are favourites for elevating mood. They're like little. bottles of pure happy. I love blends like Citrus Bliss, Cheer, and Elevation. Other oils are beautifully calming like lavender, vetiver, frankincense, bergamot and the other sleepy time ones I mentioned above. Then there are oils for energising, for invoking a sense of passion and creativity, supporting us in times of deep grief and despair.... I personally love doTERRA's emotional blends for this. Click the graphic below to see how simple it is to choose a blend based on what you need in any given moment.

3. Stress & Anxiety

As above with mood management, diffusing the oils is obviously fantastic for a good dose of Calm the F Down! For me, I love to diffuse Frankincense & Balance when I feel overwhelmed, scattered, and need some centring and grounding. This is a gorgeous blend for keeping my 3 year old balanced too. If we have a serious meltdown on our hands, I love lavender peace, vetiver and cedarwood for my little guy or Peace blend.  Neroli is lovely too. There's a huge list of essential oils that are wonderful for stress and anxiety.

4. Supports our Respiratory System

Coughs, colds, flus, allergies, sinus/chest infections, our diffusing is pumping right away with On Guard protective blend, oregano, frankincense, lemon and tea tree for immune support. Easy Air blend to open the airways if we need it, especially at night with our lavender for sleep. If it's just allergies, I personally love eucalyptus and frankincense for me. 

5. Focus & Concentration

Lemon is the oil of focus! Great for school age kids needing help with concentration. I love peppermint and wild orange personally. Frankincense, sandalwood & lime are all great for clarity of mind, rosemary for memory, basil for combating mental fatigue. Diffuse in the room as you're working, studying, learning or doing homework.

6. Waking Up & Energising

Peppermint wake me every time! Peppermint and wild orange is beautiful to awaken the senses first thing in the morning or when that 3pm slump hits and you're thinking of grabbing for that 3rd coffee. Essential oils will save your money and your adrenals here ;-) Peppermint is amazing right before exercise too! Citruses are super energising. I know lots of my mamas in labour have diffused wild orange or citrus bliss during labour for energy (as well as some lavender for calming). 

7. Headache Relief

My fave diffuser blend for tension headaches is 2 drops lavender, 2 drops frankincense & 2 drops peppermint. Or adjust amounts depending on the size of your room. I always say less is more. Start with less and add more if needed.

8. Keeping Mosquitoes at Bay

Geranium, cedarwood, and peppermint are all excellent oils for repelling mozzies. DoTERRA's "TerraArmour" blend is designed specifically for this and comes in both an oil for diffusing as well as a spray for the skin. So if you're entertaining outdoors at home and can plug your diffuser in somewhere, diffusing is a fantastic way to repel mozzies and keep your guests content. 

9. Curbing Sugar Cravings 

Grapefruit, cinnamon, bergamot, black pepper and doTERRA's Smart & Sassy blend are all excellent for this. Diffuse at home when you think you'll keep reaching for sugar unnecessarily throughout the day. Grapefruit & Bergamot are particularly wonderful for promoting body love & self love. Black Pepper is amazing for supporting us in times of any type of addiction. 

10. Creating Beautiful Aromas

Ditch the candles loves! Even if they're natural, they likely contain synthetic scents. After detoxing from all those chemicals in your home, trust me, you reeeeally notice those pungent faux scents and they'll likely give you a headache. You can create yourself a signature aroma with your essential oils or create something different every single day! You could honestly create something different every day and never repeat the same blend if you didn't want to, there's that many options. After a while you begin to choose your oils intuitively each day depending on how you feel. Doing this with your children is so beautiful. Always supervised of course! 

I'd love to hear from you what your favourite diffuser blends are. Comment below.

To find out how to get started with essential oils, simply click here.

Alternatively, email me for help or to ask any questions.

Clare xx