Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chuck: Apartment Obsession

Anyone else watch Chuck?
Well, since I've had a week off work after having some minor surgery, I've been watching a fair bit of this tv show. I am now in love with Sarah's apartment, which is actually the Viceroy Hotel in Santa Monica.

I can't get enough of the white & silver tones offset by the hints of emerald green here & there.

Makes me want to redecorate my whole apartment!

Must get an emerald upholstered bed head like this...

Images from here & here

Thanks for all your lovely comments about my Birthday Party. I had such a wonderful weekend & was really happy with how all the little details came together.

~ Clare x


  1. What a gorgeous apartment/hotel! I've never seen the show, but the eye candy alone encourages me to start watching!

  2. Fabulous! I'm loving every pop of emeralds in them! Have a gorgeous day, Kellie xx

  3. Hey Clare, let me know when you find the emerald green upholstered bedhead....then I'll just need to find a way to smuggle it out of your apartment and bring it back to Qld with me! Haha! Btw, did you tell G you're planning on redecorating? I'm sure he's very happy about it....tee hee. Oh well, it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind! x

  4. PS are you installing a boxing bag too? :)

  5. Hmmmm, perhaps I'll leave the boxing bag out haha!

    ~ Clare x

  6. Is he Emily Blunt's husband?
    xo xo!


Thanks for sharing on Soulful Mama ~ Clare x