Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Fastest Clock in the Universe

Ok, so our blog name is more about what you may find when you look through the looking glass, but last night I was confronted with reflections in the looking glass, a world of vanity, lust and trying desperately to turn back the clock.

Last night I took myself off to Newtown to see The Fastest Clock in the Universe by Philip Ridley at the Newtown Theatre with a group of friends to support another friend who was in the cast. It was wonderful to see such solid performances and to be left thinking about this vain, age-obsessed world we seem to find ourselves in.

"It's Cougar Glass' nineteenth birthday. Again. On the guest list is but one name: the innocent Foxtrot Darling, a boy whom Cougar has far from the best intentions for. Imagine his surprise then when Foxtrot arrives with his fiancé, the enigmatic Sherbet Gravel. The stage is set for a battle of wills as Sherbet attempts to expose Cougar for what he really is... the revelation leading to a thrilling and violent climax.
Philip Ridley's The Fastest Clock in the Universe deals with themes of aging, vanity, emerging sexuality, power, and love. Taking themes from fantasy and fairytales with a modern East London reality, The Fastest Clock In The Universe captures the human lust for youth, and the dark perils of not letting go."

Directed by Evin Donohoe and produced by Jacqueline Lucey. Featuring Tim Crew, Brett Jeffers, Jonathan Latham, Brooke Ryan, and Pat Wilson.

It's still on at the Newtown Theatre until the 17th of April, so do yourself a favour and check it out.
Just a little warning though, it's not for the faint hearted, there is violence, sexual themes and strong language!

Have a fabulous Wednesday!

~ Clare x

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Thanks for sharing on Soulful Mama ~ Clare x