Saturday, June 25, 2016

Back to Blogging, Motherhood & More

Hello!? Not sure if anyone will see this as I've been away from blogging for a year and a half. Eeek!

To say Motherhood has been a deep, life-changing journey for me, would be an understatement. I really needed time away to just simply be a Mum and discover this whole new woman that I had become. It has truly been the most amazing experience but definitely difficult at times. I didn't breeze into Motherhood like some seem to - I'm sure there are many women that do, but I also recognise that as Mothers we can be so hard on ourselves and fall into the "comparison" trap when what we are often seeing is someone else's "highlight reel" as they share their best moments. Motherhood has forced me to strive to be the best version of me - no, not perfect by any means because life and Motherhood is sometimes really messy, but learning to accept all of that, be more present, and relax and let shit go a little more! I've spent my time (around the nappy changing and the breastfeeding and the baby wearing and the co-sleeping and all the messiness) going within and really digging deep. I've been on a wonderful soulful journey (still am),  learning to trust myself, love myself, and really follow my intuition. I have finally decided to start sharing my journey.

So here's my 21 month old munchkin now.

A few new things I'm up to... The hubs and I have started our own organic children's wear label, Manuel Montt. All made in Australia, completely sweatshop free, ships worldwide. I've also been taking a truly amazing course through Belinda Davidson called School of the Modern Mystic. This is where I began my soulful journey last year and have been regularly cleansing my chakras, meditating, and looking after my energy ever since. More on all of this later. For now, I'll leave with you with a few funny pics of bubs and I where I naturally couldn't get a decent pic haha! I'm sure most parents can relate.

Come on, stand by this rad wall... No way Madré.

Windy hair, don't care!

Feels good to be back. See you soon lovelies.

Clare x

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Thanks for sharing on Soulful Mama ~ Clare x