Monday, July 15, 2013

Hola! from Santiago de Chile

Hi Guys! Just a brief post to let you know that currently I'm in Santiago de Chile. You can see a couple of my instagram shots above of what I've been up to so far. Follow me on instagram for more.

I also wanted to let you know that I've arranged a few guest posts while I'm away. I've asked a few of my favourite bloggers from around the world to post about life in their neck of the woods. I thought it was fitting since I'm currently gallivanting across the other side of the world!! Watch out for those coming soon.

Chao for now...
Clare x


  1. What incredible images–I adored Santiago! Will you get to go skiing, too?

    1. It's wonderful, isn't it Lena? We went to the snow for the day yesterday but didn't ski. Next time!

      C x


Thanks for sharing on Soulful Mama ~ Clare x