Monday, October 31, 2011

Wonderful Weekend Links


  1. Clare! Can I just say how awesome you are that you are willing to put an ammmaaaazing Albert Einstein quote up in the same quote as dogs in Halloween costumes? You win the faboo award of the week!

  2. Hahaha! Oh, Heather, thanks, haha! I guess that's me to a T. Serious one minute, silly the next!! I find inspiration in the strangest of things sometimes!!

    ~ Clare x

  3. HI Clare, I love everything about these pics, the dresses, the model, the styling and the backdrop.. Even getting excited over the floor. Wonderful images. thanks for letting us know.. Carla

  4. LOVE these looks-how gorgeous! Happy Halloween!

  5. Gorgeous dress! The black one is just amazing! Enjoy the wonderful day, Kellie xx

  6. This russian designer is amazing, huh? Such a gorgeous editorial too. Hope your week is going well. xo


Thanks for sharing on Soulful Mama ~ Clare x