Saturday, April 9, 2011

Grazie Marianna!

A quick post to thank the gorgeous Marianna from It's Party Time for presenting Looking Glass with not one but two awards! The Kreativ Blogger Award & The Versatile Blogger Award.

As Marianna did, I will now nominate 3 wonderful bloggers to receive these 2 awards:

This Procrastination Princess is hilarious & witty. Katie's also one of my very best friends.

Laura & I have so much in common & have formed a wonderful blogging friendship from opposites sides of the world.

Combining fashion with interior design, Debby's sense of style is oh so wonderful. She's also having a very awesome giveaway at the moment, so head over!!

~ Clare x


  1. Clare! Thank you so much for your nomination. What a great surprise on this lovely Saturday xxx

  2. Claireeeee!! I passed by, without knowing about this!! You're soooo cute! And Marianna'so cute as well!! I'm flattered, lovely Claire..I adore our feeling about life, blogging and other beautiful things!!
    Have a joyful weekend!

  3. Thank you so much, Clare. Isn't blogging just wonderful?! You gave me a big smile on this Sunday morning. Hugs. xo

  4. Lots of LOVE for you sweetie! ^___^ Hugs, Marianna


Thanks for sharing on Soulful Mama ~ Clare x