Thursday, September 29, 2016

Chakra 5 - Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra | 5th Chakra | Vishudha

Chakra 5 or your Throat Chakra is all about expression. Expressing and clearly communicating your personal truth. This chakra is located in the throat region, including the mouth, teeth, jaw, and nose. The colour for chakra 5 is blue.


My favourite ways to connect with my throat chakra and tap into my self-expression are:

* writing, acting, singing, performing

* surrounding myself with blue and starting to notice it everywhere I go, such as the ocean or a beautiful blue sky

* concentrating on my throat and imagining breathing blue light into it

* putting music on in the car or around the house and singing as loud and as freely as I can

* speaking my truth and having deep discussions with like-minded souls

* eat or juice blue foods such as blueberries, blackberries, prunes, and foods that grow on trees like apples, oranges, lemons, pears, plums are also great for the throat chakra.

* really connect with my throat. Try to think about this area as I do day to day activities. This is also a great tip for mindfulness as it anchors you into your body and gives your mind a task.

* As I mentioned in my previous posts on chakra onetwothree, and four I love to wear an organic essential perfume oil that resonates with each chakra. I personally use Lemon Canary's chakra range of perfume oils. They smell exquisite and come with matching stones which I like to meditate with and are packaged so beautifully. They also have a chakra candle range and a chakra mist range. All organic. Jasmin infuses them all with Reiki too. For chakra five think notes of sweet orange, jasmine, lavender, sandalwood, basil, frankincense, chamomile, rose, and peppermint.

After a yoga pose to support your throat chakra? Fish Pose is perfect for releasing the throat.

You can find more on yoga poses to support each chakra here

Our Byron Baby loves the beach and over spring / summer we spend as much time as we can by the seaside. Being near water is my favourite thing to do to support my chakra 5. I happen to have a really deep blockage that I've been working on clearing in my throat chakra. 

Beautiful Byron Bay where we had a recent family trip. Bliss.

For a much more in-depth course on your chakras and learning how to cleanse and balance them along with becoming more intuitive, soul aligned, and mindful, and also learning to work with the white light, I highly recommend Belinda Davidson's School of the Modern Mystic. Enrolment is NOW OPEN!! There is an earlybird price for those enrolling by September 30th. Click here for the earlybird discount. SoMM only opens its doors once a year so if learning from one of the worlds top medical intuitives, spiritual change agents, and modern day mystics, is calling you, then please take advantage of the earlybird price or you may just have to wait until this time next year. Tomorrow is the last day to take advantage of the earlybird discounted price and there's a payment plan option with this too!!

You can read more about how the course has radically changed my life here. I'll leave you with this live audio lecture of Belinda talking about how to align with the light and connect to your intuition...

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Note: I am not an affiliate for Lemon Canary but just personally love her chakra range of oils and have found them to be a wonderful support for my daily chakra work. I am however an ambassador for Belinda Davidson's School of the Modern Mystic. It has radically changed my energy, changed my life, and I am a huge advocate for how daily chakra cleansing, daily white light work, and practising mindfulness can radically raise your vibe and change your life.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Chakra 4 - Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra | 4th Chakra | Anahata

Chakra 4 or your Heart Chakra is all about love. Not just love and forgiveness of others but self love, self forgiveness. This chakra is located in the heart region. The colour for chakra 4 is green.


My favourite ways to connect with my heart chakra and really amp up the self love are:

* making daily gratitude lists

* surrounding myself with green and starting to notice it everywhere I go

* concentrating on my heart and imagining breathing green light into it

* practicing love, forgiveness, compassion, and small acts of paying it forward

* practicing letting go of old hurts

* eat or juice green foods such as spinach, kale, broccoli, kiwi, green apples & grapes, limes, pear, asparagus, green beans & peas, cucumber, green capsicum, and celery.

* really connect with my heart. Try to think about this area as I do day to day activities. Including my arms and hands. This is also a great tip for mindfulness.

* As I mentioned in my previous posts on chakra onetwo, and three, I love to wear an organic essential perfume oil that resonates with each chakra. I personally use Lemon Canary's chakra range of perfume oils. They smell exquisite and come with matching stones which I like to meditate with and are packaged so beautifully. They also have a chakra candle range and a chakra mist range. All organic. Jasmin infuses them all with Reiki too. For chakra four think notes of ylang ylang, sweet orange, lime, geranium, patchouli, rosemary, rose otto, and lavender.

image: Looking Glass

When I think about my heart chakra I think about how much it's been cracked wide open since having  my little one. He really has been the catalyst for me going within and wanting to face my shadow and fears and release them to the light. Be the best mama I possibly can for him. My maternity photo above was done in Maui with Dahlia Couture Glamour who are also the gorgeous team behind Tamiz Photography. (I've just added some green light to this particular photo for my heart chakra post)

After a yoga pose to support your heart chakra? Camel Pose is perfect for opening the heart centre.

You can find more on yoga poses to support each chakra here

For a much more in-depth course on your chakras and learning how to cleanse and balance them along with becoming more intuitive, soul aligned, and mindful, and also learning to work with the white light, I highly recommend Belinda Davidson's School of the Modern Mystic. Enrolment is NOW OPEN!! There is an earlybird price for those enrolling by September 30th. Click here for the earlybird discount. SoMM only opens its doors once a year so if learning from one of the worlds top medical intuitives, spiritual change agents, and modern day mystics, is calling you, then please take advantage of the earlybird price or you may just have to wait until this time next year.

You can read more about how the course has radically changed my life here. I'll leave you with a video of Belinda answering all of your questions about level 1 in School of the Modern Mystic. Please note, this video was from last year (2015 intake) so you actually have until September 30th to enrol at the earlybird price and then until October 5th before enrolment completely closes for 2016. 

Recent Posts:

Note: I am not an affiliate for Lemon Canary but just personally love her chakra range of oils and have found them to be a wonderful support for my daily chakra work. I am however an ambassador for Belinda Davidson's School of the Modern Mystic. It has radically changed my energy, changed my life, and I am a huge advocate for how daily chakra cleansing, daily white light work, and practising mindfulness can radically raise your vibe and change your life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Chakra 3 - Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra | 3rd Chakra | Manipura

Chakra 3 or your Solar Plexus Chakra is all about stepping into your power. Being truly confident in yourself and having boundaries. In other words, not getting drawn into other people's problems. This can be a huge issue for us empaths. This chakra is located in the stomach region, just below the sternum / rib cage. The colour for chakra 3 is yellow.


My favourite ways to connect with my solar plexus chakra and really step into my power are:

* saying no to things I know are not right for me or I really don't have time for without apologising for it

* surrounding myself with yellow and starting to notice it everywhere I go

* concentrating on my solar plexus and breathing into it whenever someone's energy is too much for me (hello toddler meltdowns!)

* speaking my truth, my opinions in a peaceful manner

* eat or juice yellow foods such as bananas, pineapples, lemons, corn, yellow curries, yellow lentils, yellow capsicum.

* really connect with my solar plexus. Try to think about this area as I do day to day activities. This is also a great tip for mindfulness.

* As I mentioned in my previous posts on chakra one and two, I love to wear an organic essential perfume oil that resonates with each chakra. I personally use Lemon Canary's chakra range of perfume oils. They smell exquisite and come with matching stones which I like to meditate with and are packaged so beautifully. They also have a chakra candle range and a chakra mist range. All organic. Jasmin infuses them all with Reiki too. For chakra three think notes of ylang ylang, juniper, roman chamomile, peppermint, sandalwood, rose, grapefruit and ginger.

Above you can see how happy I am with my Lemon Canary organic oil chakra 3 perfume. This baby helped pull me through a particularly wild toddler meltdown in a very public place. Hence the reason I'm kissing it ;-)

After a yoga pose to support your solar plexus chakra? Boat Pose is perfect for stimulating the solar plexus area. 

You can find more on yoga poses to support each chakra here

For a much more in-depth course on your chakras and learning how to cleanse and balance them along with becoming more intuitive, soul aligned, and mindful, and also learning to work with the white light, I highly recommend Belinda Davidson's School of the Modern Mystic. Enrolment is opening up next week and there is only one intake per year for this course. You can read more about how it has radically changed my life here. In the lead-up to next week's annual opening of her School of the Modern Mystic, Belinda is releasing free training videos covering the following:

* a basic understanding of our energy anatomy / chakras

* trusting your intuition 

* creating health, wealth, and beauty 

* how your chakras relate to your soul purpose and why a clean energy field helps you live your purpose more easily and effortlessly.

Recent Posts:

Note: I am not an affiliate for Lemon Canary but just personally love her chakra range of oils and have found them to be a wonderful support for my daily chakra work. I am however an ambassador for Belinda Davidson's School of the Modern Mystic. It has radically changed my energy, changed my life, and I am a huge advocate for how daily chakra cleansing, daily white light work, and practising mindfulness can radically raise your vibe and change your life.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Chakra 2 - Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra | 2nd Chakra | Svadhishthana

Chakra 2 or your Sacral Chakra is all about being creative, joyful, and really delighting in the present moment. It's also about being sexually fulfilled. This chakra is located just below the navel. The colour for chakra 2 is orange.


My favourite ways to connect with my sacral chakra and stay playful and creative are:

* sit quietly with a golden latte (think turmeric and ginger and a gorgeous golden colour) and be as present as possible. Feel the warmth of the cup in my hands, the taste of every delicious sip on my tongue, breathe in my latte's aroma, just be present and delight in each sip.

* surround myself with orange and start to notice it everywhere I go

* visit somewhere visually beautiful like an art gallery which is also sure to get the creative juices flowing.

* watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset

* obviously love making is great for chakra 2 but also other forms of physical touch like getting a massage or hugging

* eat or juice orange foods such as pumpkin, oranges, carrots, peaches, mangoes, apricots, sweet potato, rockmelon, tangerines.

* really connect with my lower abdomen. Try to think about this area as I do day to day activities. This is also great for mindfulness.

* As I mentioned in my previous post on chakra one, I love to wear an organic essential perfume oil that resonates with each chakra. I personally use Lemon Canary's chakra range of perfume oils. They're exquisite and come with matching stones which I like to meditate with. They also have a chakra candle range and a chakra mist range. All organic. Jasmin infuses them all with Reiki too. For chakra two think notes of sandalwood, clary sage, citrus, patchouli, and jasmine.


My golden latte. (Although not looking quite so golden in this pic. I swear it actually looks lovely and golden with the turmeric). I get my golden latte recipe from Jessica Cox.

Above are my Lemon Canary organic oil chakra perfumes. Also a gorgeous natural lip balm from Summer Salt Body and my favourite Samantha Wills mood ring.

After a yoga pose to support your sacral chakra? Bound Angle Pose is a great hip opener. 

You can find more on yoga poses to support each chakra here

For a much more in-depth course on your chakras and learning how to cleanse and balance them along with becoming more intuitive, soul aligned, and mindful, and also learning to work with the white light, I highly recommend Belinda Davidson's School of the Modern Mystic. Enrolment is opening up in just a couple of weeks and there is only one intake per year for this course. You can read more about how it has radically changed my life here.

Today I'll leave you with this interview of Belinda with Kari Samuels all about staying grounded in your lower chakras and why we live in a society of starved sacral chakras. Click here to listen.

Recent Posts:

Chakra 2 - Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra | 2nd Chakra | Svadhishthana

Chakra 2 or your Sacral Chakra is all about being creative, joyful, and really delighting in the present moment. It's also about being sexually fulfilled. This chakra is located just below the navel. The colour for chakra 2 is orange.


My favourite ways to connect with my sacral chakra and stay playful and creative are:

* sit quietly with a golden latte (think turmeric and ginger and a gorgeous golden colour) and be as present as possible. Feel the warmth of the cup in my hands, the taste of every delicious sip on my tongue, breathe in my latte's aroma, just be present and delight in each sip.

* surround myself with orange and start to notice it everywhere I go

* visit somewhere visually beautiful like an art gallery which is also sure to get the creative juices flowing.

* watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset

* obviously love making is great for chakra 2 but also other forms of physical touch like getting a massage or hugging

* eat or juice orange foods such as pumpkin, oranges, carrots, peaches, mangoes, apricots, sweet potato, rockmelon, tangerines.

* really connect with my lower abdomen. Try to think about this area as I do day to day activities. This is also great for mindfulness.

* As I mentioned in my previous post on chakra one, I love to wear an organic essential perfume oil that resonates with each chakra. I personally use Lemon Canary's chakra range of perfume oils. They're exquisite and come with matching stones which I like to meditate with. They also have a chakra candle range and a chakra mist range. All organic. Jasmin infuses them all with Reiki too. For chakra two think notes of sandalwood, clary sage, citrus, patchouli, and jasmine.


My golden latte. (Although not looking quite so golden in this pic. I swear it actually looks lovely and golden with the turmeric). I get my golden latte recipe from Jessica Cox.

Above are my Lemon Canary organic oil chakra perfumes. Also a gorgeous natural lip balm from Summer Salt Body and my favourite Samantha Wills mood ring.

After a yoga pose to support your sacral chakra? Bound Angle Pose is a great hip opener. 

You can find more on yoga poses to support each chakra here

For a much more in-depth course on your chakras and learning how to cleanse and balance them along with becoming more intuitive, soul aligned, and mindful, and also learning to work with the white light, I highly recommend Belinda Davidson's School of the Modern Mystic. Enrolment is opening up in just a couple of weeks and there is only one intake per year for this course. You can read more about how it has radically changed my life here.

Today I'll leave you with this interview of Belinda with Kari Samuels all about staying grounded in your lower chakras and why we live in a society of starved sacral chakras. Click here to listen.

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