Today I bring you the first guest-post Looking Glass has ever had. I asked Laura from Ricevere con Stile if she would kindly share her inspiration with us today because I adore her blog but also because we have formed a wonderful blogging friendship over the past few months. Laura and I have so much in common and in fact, we often find ourselves blogging about the very same things. It's wonderful how blogging can bring together people from opposite sides of the world when we would never have known about each other before. So without further ado here is Laura....
~ Clare x
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Hi everybody, my name’s Laura and I’m so glad and flattered to be Clare’s guest today…
The very first time I read this blog, I immediately felt a sort of “sync”….Everything seemed to be so familiar to me. Months later, I actually can say that I was right… Clare is one of my favourite bloggers: she’s stylish, funny, creative and we often have so similar inspirations!!
So…today I propose you some beautiful and whimsy tables and details….I know that Clare’s planning her party! I hope to be helpful, sharing these delicious images, darling!!
Wanna wonderland b-day???
I’d like it to be sweet…
…with a vintage touch…
..and an “English charme”!!!
Maybe it could be an “en-plen-air” dreamy table…
…or a simple and romantic consolle..
…but the very important things to take care of are details!!! A flower in the right place…
…a sweet message for our guests…
…a lovely way to set basic things…
So, Clare, hope you find a great inspiration and thanks for giving me the chance to be here!!!
Have a lot of fun!!!!!
Images via : Wedding Whims, You are my fave parties, My life-My loves
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Thank you again lovely Laura for so graciously visiting Looking Glass today. It has been an absolute pleasure having you here!
~ Clare x