Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ricevere con Stile

Sorry to have been a little absent of late. I've been crazily busy with my current show, rehearsing for another show, taking French lessons, attending art exhibition launches and lots more - phew!

I recently guest blogged for Laura at Ricevere con Stile which I was excited about because Laura & I have so much in common. We often post about very similar things, if not the same things. Funny how someone who lives across the other side of the world (Rome) can have so much in common with you.

Here are a few pics of my favourite things in my home that I showed on Laura's delightful blog...

My bookcase, where I display my most favourite objects, collectibles, books, scripts & little treasures.

I love old books. Above you can see a 1920's copy of "Through the Looking Glass" and a 1928 copy of "Lorna Doone." Just to left you can see a vintage copy of Fielding's "Tom Jones." 

 I love vintage jars & bottles too. 

The white frame above contains an Oscar Wilde quote which I adore:
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." 
~ Oscar Wilde

 This is where I blog from (not normally this tidy haha!)

 This is my Ruby. She has a slight obsession with sniffing flowers.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

~ Clare x

All images by me


  1. I love to death to me the old books and then all those photos of Paris ... I love Paris!

    Good weekend to you too!

  2. I love old books too and the Oscar Wilde quote. Your space looks lovely. So uncluttered and serene! xx

  3. I love old books, I bhought an old math school book...I adore them!

    Have a great monday!

  4. Thanks for sharing a little snippet of your home Clare ... its lovely. I too am a great fan of old books.

    Also congrats on the gorgeous photo shoot you did for Qantas ... its spectacular!!

    Hope rehearsals are going well.

  5. Hi lovely Clare! Thanks for being so cute..and for the chanche you gave me to host you!
    Your spaces are sweet and chic, just the way you are!
    Ps:French lessons?!? Great!!


Thanks for sharing on Soulful Mama ~ Clare x