Monday, January 9, 2012

...and so the New Year begins...

 I do so hope everyone enjoyed their holiday festivities whatever they may have entailed. Here's a little snap of my Mum's pretty Christmas table where we sat for a gourmet feast for lunch!

 Lindt chocolates, the way to my heart!

My bestie, Katie & I getting up to mischief on NYE.

Life is not quite back to normal for me yet as I'm still performing a children's show for the rest of the week. Should be all settled again by next week... Not sure I want things to go back to normal... I prefer a little spontaneity, do you?

~ Clare x


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday!!
    Wishing wonderful things for you this year

  2. I am with you Clare spontaneity all the way...well most of the way I suppose we need a little normal(whatever that is) in our life to keep us on track!!!
    Sounds like you have enjoyed the festive season here's cheers to a fab 2012.
    Carla x

  3. What a gorgeous table! Have a beautiful day, Kellie xx


Thanks for sharing on Soulful Mama ~ Clare x